Former Cranston Mayor Allan Fung says he'll run for Congress

NBC 10 NEWS Friday, February 11th 2022 - Former Cranston Mayor Allan Fung said Friday that he'll run for the congressional seat being vacated by the retiring Rep. Jim Langevin.

Fung, a Republican, said he's filing with the Federal Election Commission so he can start raising money. He said a formal announcement will be made in the near future.

In a statement emailed to NBC 10 News, Fung said he feels like the country is going in the wrong direction.

"From record setting inflation that is robbing you of your hard-earned dollars in the grocery stores and at the gas pump, to a feeling that we are less safe at home, it's just not working for your family or mine," Fung said.

Fung said Washington lawmakers spend their time attacking each other and not solving America's problems.

"We do not need more hyper partisan politicians. We need a different type of leader in DC. We need a problem solver. We need leaders who are willing to work with people on both sides of the aisle to bring common sense solutions to our everyday problems," Fung said. "I did just that in Cranston, and I can't wait to do that for you as your next Congressman."

Langevin announced earlier this year that he would not seek re-election to the 2nd District seat, setting off a flurry of campaign announcements from multiple Democrats and Republicans.

"For now, just know that 'Iā€™m back,' and we're going to work hard every single day to get our country back on track so that your family and mine can live the great American Dream," Fung said.

Fung was Cranston's mayor from 2009 to 2021. He ran for unsuccessfully for governor twice.


Rhode Island Democrats once snubbed Allan Fung. Now he might be their worst nightmare.